You know those perfect days, when everything happens just the way you’d like them to? You wake up in a good mood; the weather is great, the sun shines after a whole rainy week, and the temperature is just fine; you run into people you like, and even those you don’t know treat you politely; you are the king of the green lights when you’re driving; work is not at all exhausting, and you go home feeling like doing a thousand other things.
Today was one of those days to me, and I couldn’t let that pass without writing down some thoughts. After all, a day isn’t really perfect for a writer if he doesn’t get to write something.
Funny thing is, there are no perfect days at all. Good and bad things happen all the time, and sure, the proportion to which they fill every day change constantly. But, in the end, what really changes is our syntony to them.
Sometimes, we are at such an elevated spirit that, although we face hardships and inconveniences, they go by unnoticed. To wait five, ten minutes in a line when you’re starving is completely irrelevant when you’re feeling great. Now, try to hold on a line for just one minute in face of a bad mood, and then tell me if you didn’t feel like an eternity has passed.
I really wonder how this syntony works, and what can I do to maintain it high. I think part of the trick resides in to thank constantly for everything that happens to you, be it good or bad. To look for the good side in any situation gives a more optimistic view of the world, and encourages you in face of any adversity. But that’s certainly not all. If you feel like sharing with me your secret for achieving happiness, I’m all ears.