So close.. and yet, so very far

Woohoo.. tomorrow we get off-campus lunch. Which pwns, because.. well, it's a privilege, and I like it. Umm, blah. I'm so bored. I went out to Starbucks earlier. *addict* I went with my friend and then we went back to her house so I could see her prom dress. It's so pretty. She's gorgeous though, so it would have been amazing no matter what.

Tomorrow is the Day of Silence. I'm taking part.. which is going to be so hard, because I love to talk. I'm going to have to try so hard to keep my mouth shut. So yes. I have to write everything down tomorrow. My German teacher supports it, and I forgot to show it to the rest of my teachers, but I think I will do that tomorrow before class starts to get their thumbs up on it.

Sunday is my moms birthday, and I'm making her Turkish Delight. Buahaha. It's a secret, and it's also her favorite candy. So I'm really excited about that. I hope it turns out well. I might try and throw together a dinner so that she doesn't have to cook, too. I dunno. I'm hoping I can make it right. ^.^

Nothing really interesting going on. I took the ACT a little while back,and got the result yesterday. I made a 26, which is good, but I'm going to retake it in June and hopefully bump it up a couple of points. Like, two, would be nice. My GPA sucks majorly, so if I could get a 28 or a 29, that would be awesome for me. *crosses fingers*

So there. I'm pretty much done for now, because I think I'm going to take a nap. XD Ciao
