We've come this far

So I know.. I've been terrible about the updating.. cuz I fail. XD But here it is, in all it's glorious boring-ness.

Not a whole lot has been going on, really. My aunt and uncle fly in from Scotland next week. Which is totally cool, as it's the aunt and uncle I really like. o.o that sounds terrible, but I don't know my extended family very well. 3,000 miles is kind of difficult to overcome. I'm pretty excited about it, so yay for that.

I went to the fair for the first time. O.O I've never been to a fair before, so I ended up at the Delta fair one day.. and it was amazing. I'm pretty sure I looked like a little kid, wandering around all wide-eyed and going, omg look! But it was so much fun. I loved it.

So I'm on a total health kick right now. I'm starting the South Beach Diet tomorrow, and I've got some exercise equipment and videos being shipped. I just kind of felt like now was a pretty good time to start taking care of myself. XD So yeah.. o.o i dont get to eat bread or potatoes or anything like that for about 2 or 3 weeks. Thats right butterfly, no orgasmic bread. T_T It'll be totally worth it though.

Hmm.. what else? Pierced my ears for teh 2nd time, though I'm pretty sure I mentioned that. Uhh.. rescued three of the most darling puppies, whom I sadly cannot keep. Blah blah blah.. I don't know. XD I think that's all for now.
