Heya~!! ♡
I'm Tea / KT!
Formerly known as CrimsonPearlVoice and MagicalMeowMeow (=🝦 ﻌ 🝦=)
I normally go by SugarSprout or SquirtleSprout now.
It's been a very long time since I've been on here but I think I might try to use this website again!

♡ ケイティ


I want to get up and get my drawing stuff, but it's dark outside and scary and I'm home alone.
Malay is scared too.
Her and Tea are sitting close together on the couch while Hana, Akari, and Miruku (Tea's twin, not yet introduced) are running around the house with Higashi (My boy mew, not yet introduced yet either).


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Lol ignore the title.
It's from a song.

I totally forgot what I was going to say


But there was just a Twilight commercial on!
Hee hee so exciting.

I've become a Harvest Moon DS Cute fan again.

I'm gunna go get some milk.

Asta La Pasta.

[ T e a ]


Stolen from Hikari Mogami <3

1. Akari
2. Hana
3. Malay
4. Akee

1. What is 1 scared of?

Birds(lol) and bugs.

2. How did 2 get their name?

Uh...from her mommy and her daddy! 0w0

3. 3 stands between you and delicious cake. What do you do?

Karate Chop her on the head and leap over her all ninja like.

4. 1 and 4 are paired on some kind of project. How do they react?

Akari: Go do work.

Akee: Tell me that again and you'll have my foot in your face.

5. Now the same scenario with 3 and 2?

Hana: I don't get it!!! I'm only good at art!

Malay: Waah! I don't either!! >A<

6. Who was the last person 2 hit?

Uh, she dun hit no one. She's a saint. XD At nun school with the unicorns!!

7. 1 becomes a superhero. Who do they pick as their sidekick between 2, 3 and 4?

Rofl, ah Akari. Uh...probably not Akee, she got a faceful of foot from her(not pretty) so probably 3, Malay.

8. What would their special sidekick ability be?


9. 4 finds a handful of change on the street. What do they do with it?

Ah, she's put it in her pocket, and look for more. Maybe even pick pocket some people. I love her. >w<

10. Would 1 rather be too hot or too cold?

Too hot so she can swim. >w<

11. 3 finds 2’s diary. Do they read it?

Malay: THIS IS WRONG! I CAN'T READ IT!! THAT WOULDN'T BE RIGHT! >A< -closes her eyes and throws it across the room, out the window...-

12. Where did 1 and 4 meet?

Question 4.

Ai Shiteru

Pocky and Malay.

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I'm 150% Emooo

[x] I like skinny jeans
[x] Music is life.
[x] u have written /wrote poetry/song lyrics before.
[x] My hair covers part of my face
[x] wear band shirts
[ ] I know who Jeffree Star is.
[x] I wear/wore converse
[x] I wear/wore vans.
[x] I wear/wore eyeliner
[ ] I have/had/want my lip pierced
[x] I listen to The Used
[x] I am lost without a CD player/iPod/mp3
[ ] I have/had thick rimmed glasses.
[x] I have no issues with bi/gay people.
[ ] I hate the president.
[ ] I have/had a Mohawk.
[x] I've worn black nail polish
[ ] I like slipknot
[ ] I hate where I live.
[x] Black is a good color
[x] Right now I am listening to music
[x] I know what hxc means
times ur result by 10 and repost as "im __% emo

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