
Hello everyone! Sorry I've been so distant these past like, day and a half. XD I feel bad for not commenting on some stuff, I missed it because I wasn't on! ;0; So if you want me to comment something, tell me and I will!! Gomen!!

Anyways, I'm currently working on my Naruto OC, Someone's contest(I forgot who. Imagine that.), and a character I plan to use in Dokii♥Dokii. I'm also using her for a collab comic on SmackJeeves, but her personality will change slightly for my comic. She's a little too out there right now. But I may keep her, I really like her. =3

I tried to change my layout and stuff, but it's so retarded and it won't change!!!! Do you know what's wrong with it? Help me please! >_< So we'll just see how it goes...

I want to let you know about my fan-fiction Strawberry In Summer. It's one of my worlds! So go to my portfolio and tell me what you think of it please!! =D

Uwahh, Sayonaraa!
