OC Quiz 8]

1. Choose a few of your own characters. Five at the most.
2. Make them answer the following questions.
3. Then tag three people.
4. Feel free to go ahead and add some questions yourself!!

1. Tea [ It's all I feel like doing at the moment.

So Starting easy..

How have you all been?
Tea- Well, I guess I've been okay. I've been studying French again so I can actually talk to people when I go there.

What are your full names?
Tea- Um... Tea Tasse.

Tea- I don't really think my name has a nickname. Unless it's Tea Cup.

How old are you? (present day)
Tea- Almost 16!

What's your height?
Tea- Err...we'll just say I'm very short...

Tea- French!

You Got Any Bad Habits?
Tea- Well I guess maybe being clumsy could be a bad habit. And maybe helping out too much, I never get much time to myself.

Are you a virgin?
Tea- Oh my! YES!

Who's your mate/spouse?
Tea- I don't currently have one.

Do you have any kids?
Tea- No, I'm only 15

What's your favourite food?
Tea- Pasta ♥

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Tea- Vanilla. Plain and simple.

Your favourite song at the moment?
Tea- I guess I shall say, Saltwater Room by Owl City

Have you killed anyone?
Tea- Heavens no! Killing is bad!

Do you hate anyone?
Tea- No, I love everybody!

Love Anyone?
Tea- Well...maybe...I'm still unsure.

Have any secrets?
Tea- Hmmm...I guess...

What is your job?
Tea- I'm a waitress.

What do you do to relax?
Tea- Sew

Eye Colors?
Tea- Brown

Hair Color?
Tea- Brown!

Tea- Very pale. -_-'

Rain, sunshine?
Tea- I love both.

Winter or Summer?
Tea- Well, I guess both!

Any Unusual Things about you?
Tea- Um...maybe?

What are/were your parents like?
Tea- Well my parents died when I was very young, so I actually can't answer.

Do you want to say something to your readers?
Tea- Bonjour!

Do you think you’re attractive?
Tea- No! I'm ugly.

Do others find you attractive?
Tea- No, I'm UGLY.

Do you have fans?
Tea- No. People don't like me.

Are you straight, gay, or bi?
Tea- Straight.

Tell us something no-one knows about you.
Tea- Um...I can pick things up with my toes?

Name some of your talents:
Tea- Sewing.

Tea- Nobody. Cause I love them all!


Tea- Ah, I'm going to be late for work!! -trips-


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