So, this is me and this is my world and currently the only world I actually bother to post in.
You probably know me from Chat or the Boards, since those are basically the only places I frequent around here.
I guess to introduce myself, I'll put up some stats about me:
I was born in the Summer of '92, am currently studying Psychology at the University I attend and I am male, as my name already suggests.
I tend to be rather cynical and where I go, sarcasm isn't far behind, but I tend not to be too mean to people unless I think they deserve it. I also love a good joke and I'm open for most things, though I do keep some limitations. (Especially if something seems stupid, and not in the silly/funny way.)
Location wise I can be found in Central Europe, Austria to be a bit more exact.
I guess that's all you need to know to get a (very) general picture of the person I am and am probably going to be towards you.
Favorite Trio Pokémon?
The Kanto Trio - []
The Johto Trio - [X]
The Hoenn Trio - []
The Sinnoh Trio - []
The Unova Trio - []
Your first in-game starter? And you favorite starter? (set x for first starter, and o for fave starter)
Pikachu - []
Bulbasaur - []
Charmander - [X O]
Squirtle - []
Chikorita - []
Cyndaquil - []
Totodile - []
Treecko - []
Torchic - []
Mudkip - []
Turtwig - []
Chimchar - []
Piplup - []
Snivy - []
Tepig - []
Oshawott - []
None - []
Fave Gen? Set numbers to order them, where 1 is your fave and 5 for the one you like less.
1st Gen - [1]
2nd Gen - [2]
3rd Gen - [3]
4th Gen - [5]
5th Gen - [4]
Favorite Pokémon of each type
Bug - Scyther
Dark - Umbreon
Dragon - Hydreigon
Electric - Raichu
Fight - Blaziken
Fire - Charizard
Flying – Gyarados
Ghost - Gengar
Grass - Serperior
Ground - Groudon
Ice - Lapras
Normal - So many to choose from... Persian or Snorlax
Poison - Tentacruel
Psychic - Alakazam (I'm sorry Gardevoir, Lugia and Mewtwo)
Rock - Tyranitar
Steel - Scizor or Magneton, due to pure awesome.
Water - Blastoise
Top 3 Favorite Pokémon Types
1. Dark
2. Psychic
3. Ghost <- Funny how we agree there, Axel.
Favorite Eeveelution
Eevee - []
Vaporeon - []
Jolteon - []
Flareon - []
Espeon - [] (Without TMs, I choose this one)
Umbreon - [X] (If only it learned some better attacks, but hey, TMs.)
Leafeon - []
Glaceon - []
Let's pretend that Pokémon was real, what kind of trainer would you be?
The kind that collect badges and enter leagues, I'm gonna be a Pokémon master! - []
Just travel the world, and just battle when I feel like it - []
I would still live home with my Pokémons and family - []
I would stalk random people and challange them - []
I would live somewhere far away from society with my Pokémon and train together with them - []
I would be a Gym Leader - []
I would be a member of the Elite 4 - []
I would be a Pokémon Breeder - []
I would be a Pokémon Professor - [X]
I would be... - [] (-Write your answer here-)
What would your Team be? (Choose 6 or less)
1. Alakazam
2. Raichu
3. Tyranitar
4. Charizard
5. Lapras
6. Altaria -> not a 100% on this one