I just noticed that, a few days ago, it's been exactly one year since I've actively been on theOtaku.
The comic will come out on Friday or Saturday from now on, since Friday's my day off College and Mondays are a bitch. I'm sure you'll understand and yea.
I blame you, Ace.
1: What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
2: Who's your favorite PERSON?
3: What was your favorite dress-up/Halloween/cosplay costume?
4: What was your favorite TV show as a child?
5: What is your current favorite TV show?
6: What is your favorite PIXAR movie?
7: Do you think that Jar-Jar Binks ruined everything out of his own sheer stupidity or did he have actual malicious intent?
8: Do you expect the Spanish Inquisition?
9: What's your favorite flavor of cake? "Pie" is not a cake.
10: What's the coolest piece of nerd swag you own and why does it mean so much to you?
11: Who is the greatest villain of all time, from any piece of fiction you've ever enjoyed?
1. An African or European swallow? They do differ.
2. I refuse to answer or more like can't. It sort of changes.
3. Darth Vader.
4. I guess Detective Conan... Maybe SpongeBob Squarepants.
5. Supernatural, I guess. Though Game of Thrones... pretty awesome, too.
6. Finding Nemo.
7. Get a brain, he must.
8. Every single day.
9. Cheesecake!
10. My Elvish dictionary, I guess. It doesn't mean all that much to me but I'm terribly lacking in nerd swag due to not wanting to spend money.
11. I have trouble deciding. I'm thinking the Joker, though...
And I won't be asking questions since my brain doesn't work. SORRYBOUTDATLOL
Psychology exam: Get. That is all since I am currently unable to be mildly comprehensible.
Since I have absolutely nothing to do at the moment I'm sorta picking up a lot of old hobbies I dropped due to not having time for them. One of them being origami, which I used to do rather a lot.
Anyways, I felt like trying something new so here's my first attempt at an Origami dragon:

Not perfect but I like it.