Well my head's in turmoil so I thought I'd just make a post about it, maybe it'll structurize my brain a little.
Anyways, as some of you might know I'm currently doing my graduation exams, two of which are already over (5 hours of german and 5 hours of english) and I PRAY TO GOD they went well 'cause if they didn't I'm going to be so pissed off. Well tomorrow is the last written exam, a math exam. Whilst I don't see that big of a problem with another exam, it still worries me because I'm not a genius at math or very well prepared, at that.
Now, I'm most likely going to study some more today, even though my head feels like it's would like nothing better than to tell me to go -you can guess the rest.
Another thing that worries me is that getting out of school is going to be quite a big step. o_o Some of you might find that silly, saying "You've worked your way through school ONLY TO GET TO THIS POINT", which is true. But seriously, I've spent the last 13 years in school and all that time is going to be over just like that? I guess my head just can't quite take it yet. Eh. Also, my motivation to study is declining rapidly, especially since I'm pretty worn out from the two exams on monday and tuesday. -sigh-
I just don't know what to do with myself right now or after I'm done with school. Also I REALLY REALLY hope I'll pass tomorrow's exam! o o; /scared
And that's about it.
So I just hatched a level 1 Larvitar, gave it an Exp. Share, went into wiggly tall grass, encountered a level 49 Audino and had my mind blown.
After being utterly defeated by my Braviary's Superpower, it gave my Larvitar 8308 Exp. and catapulted it to level 18. That is all.

Hoho. I thought I'd make a random world post.
So, my curiosity managed to rave through my veins again and, since my world and worlds in general lack in cooperative posts, I'll have you do the work on this one by describing me with one word (unless it's the negation of a word that has no real word to negate it).
Have fun and I shan't hold anything against you so no regrets. 8D
I have just caught the last legendary Pokémon available for White therefore I either have to get Black too now or one of you fellas could get the tradies. Since I don't expect anyone wants to give up their proud little monsters though, I doubt I'll get far that way :V Then again, is there a way to clone Pokémon in this version 'cause I'd be down for it.
#494 Victini
#638 Cobalion
#639 Terrakion
#640 Virizion
#642 Thundurus
#644 Zekrom
#646 Kyurem
Reshiram will only be available for me if someone wants to trade, same with Tornadus, whereas I would like to add that Landorus will only be available IF Tornadus is traded onto my cartridge as well.
The Pokémon Keldeo, Meloetta and Genesect sadly are event-only so I will have to wait for them.
So I'm determined to get a Generation 1 team for my Pokémon White game. Why? Because Generation 1 RULES.
So far I've caught:
Magby (which I will obviously evolve into Magmar)
Happiny (evolvable to gen 1 too.)
Ditto (lol)
-edit- These are in my team too now:
I'm thinking about getting Staryu, Gastly and Vulpix into my team, which still leaves three others. Electric, Flying and yeah I might be using Chansey, though I hate dragging battles.
Suggestions on any Pokémon you found in the Unova region?