GW: An Unwelcome Guest

I figured this was worth a world post.... I HATE THIS MISSION!
The goal of the mission is to take Zunraa to all the Miasma points and have him get rid of them. The fact that Zunraa is, despite his low level, very very bloodthirsty WAS NOT IN THE DESCRIPTION! Hence he died like 5 to 6 times and since searching the shrines, ringing the bell and going back is a pain in the ass I decided to just restart the mission (Zunraa died very early... I don't know how he managed to pull in 3 or 4 packs of enemies but he did. EVERY. TIME.)
Then, when I finally managed to keep Zunraa alive and had already done 2/3 or so of the mission.. BUG! ZUNRAA GOT STUCK IN A GODDAMN BUSH!! After I noticed he was gone and went back to check on him he could not get out! I felt mocked.

I am very enraged.
