This world is corrupt and evil. It has no laws or limitations on what people can do. Humans are humans and we are twisted and cruel. We seek only what benefits us. Nothing will get in our way and stop us from striving for our dreams. Some of us will even kill to get what we want. People kill other people over the fact that they think differently or because they made a simple mistake. Children die everyday from torture by their own governments and starvation. The earth itself takes it's toll on us and kills many of us by the thousands. Mother Nature also takes it's turn in killing off the human horde. Everything that exists is out there to destroy us and keep out tunnel focused minds set on why we think is perfection and for some it is different then others, but for many that perfection is greed. Pure and utter greed. They want a trophy wife/husband or a thriving workplace, the consume what they need an what they want, they ask for everything and complain when they can't get it. People are just pitiful, but on Earth there are guardian angels. People that aren't people by nature and are not con-formative to the ways of this world. They strive to prosper other peoples lives instead of their own. You could say that everyone in the world are "qwertyuiop's" and the others are unique with names that bring joy and happiness such as laughter or "haha". Of course most of these unique people seem to disappear over time as if they never existed. In fact it's as if they just let people "forget" about them entirely. However they are always there but they just exist behind the shadows, they choose to extend their opinions so that "Love_Always_Prospers." These people know who they are and they know of the other ones that are like them. They seek out the weak and make them strong. They desire what's best for them and help make the road they travel on easier. They choose to better the other instead of themselves. Their true existence is to make sure that people don't lose hope on the world that can't grasp it on their own,
They want to make sure that these people know that they are still here. I want to let you know that it is no mistake that "Imhere."
Don't over think what I'm saying to you, just take it as it is and cherish it. You only have one guardian angel.
There's a light in every tunnel and there is no such thing as true darkness
:Zach Adams