Hiya guys! So sorry i haven't been here lately. Too busy with pre-AP classes, band practices, and way, way too much homework._. I shoulda seen this comin in Freshman year *sighs* but thats not the reason, as long as I pass high school I'll beh fine. Anyways hows everybody? I know, no one will probably comment but I just thought posting this would be a good idea since i haven't been here for a long time.

Man, I could go on forever on what high school is like but if I do, it might end up being as long as 4 pages minimum but I'm not gonna go that far. Like I was saying, I am really busy.

Qeustion time!!


1. Hows everybody (full detail)?
2. Should I quit playing in the band?
3. If you were any type of element what would you be?

Meh answers:

3. Water. I would love to be wind but the water is much more calmer.


Well I only answered 3 because those other 2 are for you to answer MUHAHAHAHA!!
That's all I have to say, again I'm busy so I don't know when I'll visit again, hopefully soon. Well have an AWESOME day guys!

