Yeah, this used to be Bleach Games! but that kinda dropped, now at Sugar Coated Strawberries or Sugar Berries for short, we discuss anything and everything IchiRuki, I'm open to IchiRuki guest posts here too, why Sugar Coated Strawberries? Because Ichigo is the strawberry (obviously) and Rukia is the snow (or in this case sugar coating) that goes over it, Strawberries are too sour without sugar coated on them! So now the strawberries are sweeter! So have fun guys!
- Created By AsagiTaichou
THANK YOU 5,900+ HITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I no I didn't really post this week ._. I had trouble with my computer and spent the week transferring and deleteing files ._. but next weeek I'll be back on track for sure!
THANK YOU 5,700+ HITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm really sorry about my lurkingness, my laptop has been giveing me greif and makeing it a nightmare to post, I'm gonna clean up my harddrive but if that dosen't work then I don't no wat I'm gonna do, but anyway, you guys move so fast! I'm givein' ya'll a real treat! The rejected pilot for Bleach!!!! 0_0 Yes I have it!
Ichigo: So I finally came to, and...she'd shrunk, and I found myself helping with her Soul Reaper work
Rukia: (is currently takeing a bath in Ichigo's cup of milk ) Do you have a problum with that? We Soul Reapers, don't have the energy to protect several souls at once, you had alot of them following you and I had to release all of my energy to protect them all at once, so I HAD to minimize my body! In other words *pokes stick at him* This is YOUR fault! It takes seven days and nights for my energy to revive, I was forced to equip your soul and have you help me with my work
Ichigo: Yeah, I GET IT!
Rukia: So work hard and don't complain!
Ichigo: I AM working hard! But now I'm DONE with work, so return me to my body!
Rukia: I don't do favors for rude people
Ichigo: Rukia, please return me to my body quickly
Rukia" Eh-hem
Ichigo: MS. Rukia!
Rukia: Hmph, that's better *pokes him with device and he returns to his body*
Ichigo: HAHAHAHA! I have the advantege now that I'm in my body! Now get out of my hot milk you evil little Lephrochan!
Rukia: *pokes him with device again and he pops out of his body again*
Ichigo: I was just jokeing! Please spen as long as you want soaking in my hot milk! I love you Ms. Rukia!
Rukia:...I want to exfoliate (?) give me your tooth brush
Ichigo: Now you've gone too far!
Rukia: I see, you leave me no choice *climbs over the edge of the cup* (And you can't see anything but her rear so get ya'll's minds outta the gutters! ^^) There we go! ^^ *draws on Ichigo's face*
Ichigo: I'll give you my toothbrush! Don't mess with my face!
Rukia: Aah~! *uses his toothbrush as back scratcher*
Ichigo: Endure it Ichigo! Endure it! Today is the seventh day! She'll be gove soon and I won't have to deal with her!
Rukia: By the way Ichigo, if I don't regain my energy today you'll have to help me tommorrow, that isn't a request, it's an order!
Ichigo: Farewell my youth!
Rukia: But let's not borrow worries, Just don't let your guard down tonight and- *phone starts beeping* Oh! It's our next job! Ichigo, answer that
Ichigo: Why's she useing me like this? She can answer it herself, let's see who died this time?
Rukia: *starts dressing* Ichigo? Who is it this time?
Ichigo: Orihime Inuoe, 17 years old
Rukia: Ah, so young, pooor thing
*quick skip*
Rukia is now in Ichigo's shirt not his POCKET, his SHIRT! Skin on skin contact! Next to his heart!
Long story short, Rukia's powers return after Orihime calls her "a tiny Soul Reaper" and she pops back to normal size, ah, that's pretty much it, 'sept for a battle, that's alot of IchiRuki though 0_0 But it hs a lot of info and answeered most of my questions, so, anyway, I hope ya'll liked the transcript
THANK YOU 5,300+ HITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0_0 Ya'll really move fast and since I missed 52 I'm gonna try something new here