Yeah, this used to be Bleach Games! but that kinda dropped, now at Sugar Coated Strawberries or Sugar Berries for short, we discuss anything and everything IchiRuki, I'm open to IchiRuki guest posts here too, why Sugar Coated Strawberries? Because Ichigo is the strawberry (obviously) and Rukia is the snow (or in this case sugar coating) that goes over it, Strawberries are too sour without sugar coated on them! So now the strawberries are sweeter! So have fun guys!

2,300+ HITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!

Were Have You Been Asagi?!

Sorry guys! All day I was at my Genny's! I sowwy, anyway, I made like three Bleach AMVs with Irish music, 0_o Why you ask? Because, well, the Bleach crew looks part Irish, and also, I'M part Irish (and Scottish) anyway, again guys, sorry for the delay, you won't hear from me much the rest of the week, because of the convention, anyway,

Awwww! Looky!

It's called Yin Ang Yang! And YESSS! I passed my math thingy!

Do Ya'll Mind If I Vent A Little?

The convention is in 3 days! I'm ready cosplay wise (although I need to find my tabbi socks) I have (somehow) maneged to contain myself and WAIT on makeing more poters untill after the con so that's good, AND I'm going on Friday AND Saturday and that is SUPPER good! My formal wear is choosen and I've even printed out my schedule (I won't be updateing this Friday OR Saturday, but I'll try to be on and check my pink box) Even more incredably, I've maneged to find a small time slot were I can get on and do my Saturday Blach stuff (and change my avi) that will be Friday night, sounds good right? Well, admitidly, I DO have ONE problum (but it's the only one) (but it's BAD one!) I might not get my con money! or atleast not all of it! Ya'll no that I'm reading a special math book (and takeing a test) to get all of it (I'll get some regardless; but the convention is really expensive and I need the entire amount) well, I finished reading it AND took the test! BUT! I only got half of the answers right! So I have to RE-READ the sections I missed and RE-TEST on them! Plus I'm getting my money on Thursady, so If I don't find a way to pass the rest of the test in TWO DAYS I'm totally and compleylety sunk! *sigh* it's not fair, I mean it isn't like I'm asking for a million things here! Seriously, how many conventions come to Atlants in a year? 3? Maybe 4? Momo Con and Dragon Con are no big deals, easy to miss and not much to do, but AWA is the third largest in the country!! Roy Mustang's voice actor is going to be there!!! (By the way, Johnny Young Bosh AKA Ichigo's VA was at a con in Pensalvania a week ago and missed it not that I could go anyway) and AWA has alot of stuff! Kareoke, a cosplay show, a dealer's room, Artist's Ally, an art auction, a dance, and tons more!! It isn't like I ask for alot, I mean, I work really hard, and in exchange Pussycat buys me two manga and a Bleach DVD every other month ('cause right now all this work and writing and updateing isn't paying me) and Momo Con was supposed to be my birthday gift last year! But since I only got a little out of it this was supposed to be my make up thing! So going with only a little money just isn't going to work well, and I really doubt that I can understand, re-read, re-test, and PASS in only TWO days! And it's makeing me miserable! I've said it once and I'll say it again! I HATE MATH!!!! Anyway, thanks for listening guys,

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