Yeah, this used to be Bleach Games! but that kinda dropped, now at Sugar Coated Strawberries or Sugar Berries for short, we discuss anything and everything IchiRuki, I'm open to IchiRuki guest posts here too, why Sugar Coated Strawberries? Because Ichigo is the strawberry (obviously) and Rukia is the snow (or in this case sugar coating) that goes over it, Strawberries are too sour without sugar coated on them! So now the strawberries are sweeter! So have fun guys!
- Created By AsagiTaichou
'Kay, so I'm going shopping soon to have fun with Pussycat! But don't fret my lovlies! I shall return in only a matter of hours! So I was just lettin' ya' no, and now, another IchiRuki wile I am shopping, hopefully the cuteness will keep ya'll busy for a bit
IchiRuki Vid
Since I'm a guest poster here I thought I'd post this IchiRuki vid
I hope u don't mind Asagi san
I'm Back!!
I'm back! Both my pink boxes were full, and for a wile now I'll be submitting my cards around .... late, I tried to keep my earlier time slot but because I didn't get home till late I was late submitting, oh well, um, I am holding a contest for IchiRuki stuff, please come up with a fanfic ideah based on this video that's all, the prize is that I'll write your ideah, so, Ichanged the deadline, the new one is the tenth, just saying
Um, I might not be able to submit cards later, I'll try but don't no if I'll be able to, so, I also won't be on very long because I need to run some errands and I'm going to my Granny's later, so that's why I might nott be able to submit, but if I can get a wireless conection for about five minutes I'll be able to, so um, an IchiRuki for you
Talk about An Evil Sense Of Humor!
Well, I was lookng on Wikipidia for updates (yes I plan toshare them here) and stumbeled across a reveiw on Rukia and Ichigo, (Wiki seems to side with IchiRuki without saying it) they said that Rukia also had an evil sense of humor" they say that as if it's a bad thing *smirk* well, I like Rukia's sense of humor, it's rather simaler to mine, *smirk* Right Rukia-Chan? Anyway, if anyone nos were Ichigo s please tell me, I haven't tortured- I mean "trained" with him today (hehehehe, must torture Ichi) so anyway, a cute IchiRuki for you!