Yeah, this used to be Bleach Games! but that kinda dropped, now at Sugar Coated Strawberries or Sugar Berries for short, we discuss anything and everything IchiRuki, I'm open to IchiRuki guest posts here too, why Sugar Coated Strawberries? Because Ichigo is the strawberry (obviously) and Rukia is the snow (or in this case sugar coating) that goes over it, Strawberries are too sour without sugar coated on them! So now the strawberries are sweeter! So have fun guys!
- Created By AsagiTaichou
THANK YOU FOR 800!+ HITS!!!!!!!!!
YAY! 800+!!!!!! OK! So, need a present, right, hm, let's try this: 5 very romantic pictures! Ok? That's 5! here's 1
Well, I guess no one wants to do the dialog thing, oh well, hm, I guess I'll ust post a picture then, but if someone DOES want to do the dialog thing then leave your ideah in a comment and I'll dedicate a card to ya', I've been considering this for a wile Byakuya and Ichigo look rather nice in pink Chappy shirts, and dialog peoples?
I Sense Some Dialog!
I'm gonna do this through Saturday but if it dosen't go well I'll stop, anyway, so, I sense some dialog! You no wat to do! Wat are they saying? I'll dedicate a card to ya'!
Imuto Chan Wins!
She probbably would've won anyway, but, why was she the only one that entered? *glare* Anyway, Imuto-Chan, just tell me wat kind of card you want and I'll do it! Here was her entry for this picture
Rukia: Ichigo....
Ichigo: Hm?..
Rukia: You don't have to keep looking for my contact lense.
Ichigo: Well you can't see with out them!
Rukia: Sure I can! *trips over Ichigo's bed corner*
Ichigo: *catches Rukia* Riiiiiight.
Rukia: Ok, maybe I can't, but I'm sure I'll be okay until tomorrow when I'll get my new set.
Ichigo: Well until then I'll be your eyes ^_^
Rukia: Eh?
So for the rest of the day Ichigo prevents Rukia from dying very untimely deaths by 'being her eyes'