Yeah, this used to be Bleach Games! but that kinda dropped, now at Sugar Coated Strawberries or Sugar Berries for short, we discuss anything and everything IchiRuki, I'm open to IchiRuki guest posts here too, why Sugar Coated Strawberries? Because Ichigo is the strawberry (obviously) and Rukia is the snow (or in this case sugar coating) that goes over it, Strawberries are too sour without sugar coated on them! So now the strawberries are sweeter! So have fun guys!
- Created By AsagiTaichou
Didn't Work,
But there's no reason for you to suffer so here ya' go! I think it's pretty cute!
I'm trying to test this, hold on,
Soul Candy
Because I'm watching Rukia, Ichigo, and the Soul Candy rondevu',
It's Time Again!
It's that time again!
"For Asagi to o something stupid?"
"For Asagi to shut up?"
"For Asagi to humilate the Bleach boys?!"
No, but thanks for the insults, it's time for me to drool over Criss Angel! Just kidding! Although, I am, but no, it's time for the Bleach crew to do something silly! Why? Because I made them! *rolls eys* Ok! Do your stuff!
Rukia: Asagi wanted us t tell you all-
Ichigo: Hey, Rukia, let's make a run for it!
Rukia: Shut up! She wanted us to tell you to give her some ideahs for, um, cards?
Orahime: Yeah yeah! E-cards! Yes! Giver her ideahs because she wants to no wat you all like!
Uryuu: Why am I here again?
Orahime: Because all week Asagi has been darting back in forth through IchiRuki vs IchiHime and she wanted to make sure that they no that we three aren't-
Uryuu: Enough information Orahime, I get it,
Rukia: Oh right! That's the other thing! All week Asagi has been the IchiRuki spokesgirl kind of, so she wanted us to tell you that she will gladly defend our title as she's been doing for a wile now!
Ichigo: I don't recall asking her to,
Rukia: So then you don't like being paied up with me and perfer Orahime?!
Ichigo: No no no! You no I love you!
Rukia: Then wat's with that comment?!
Orahime: Well wile they argue, she just wanted all of you to no that,
Uryuu: Were is she?
Orahime: Napping I think, she's been up late alot latel,
Uryuu: She's always up late
Ichigo: Ow ! Rukia that hurt! Alot- OW!
Asagi: Can't you keep quiet for, I don't no, a millisecond?! I'm trying to write here!
All: Sorry,
Asagi: Rememer! E-cards and IchiRuki!
IchiRuki Sugar Rush!!!!
Ok, about two hours ago I went on DA to find a cute IchiRuki picture for you guys, well, I spent a little wile looking, and then decided to check up on one of my favirote artists, I just read a an IchiRuki fanfic (she had a link) and MUST WRITE OWNE FANFIC!! Well, here's the picture I chose: