Yeah, this used to be Bleach Games! but that kinda dropped, now at Sugar Coated Strawberries or Sugar Berries for short, we discuss anything and everything IchiRuki, I'm open to IchiRuki guest posts here too, why Sugar Coated Strawberries? Because Ichigo is the strawberry (obviously) and Rukia is the snow (or in this case sugar coating) that goes over it, Strawberries are too sour without sugar coated on them! So now the strawberries are sweeter! So have fun guys!
- Created By AsagiTaichou
Here's a pole:
How do you think Ichio and Rukia will have their first kiss?
A) Hollow Ichigo has appeared and Rukia is trying to help him
B) One thinks the other is dead
C) They decide to kiss for no real reason
D) Orahime dares them to
Sugar Berries
Bleach Games! wasn't doing so hot, so Sugar Berries is the new IchiRuki central!
Ichigo + Tree
Pay attention to the first few seconds! Yes, Ichigo apparently likes to sleep in trees, I find that fact very funny,
That "Rukia" Feeling...
I'm posting this on Bleach Games! for a reason, wait and see
Alright so, I just found out about Beta Writers, and in my head I was sounding it out like this, "Be-ta Wri-ters" and I suddenly got that Rukia feeling, like: "And, how would one contact these 'Be-ta Wri-ters'" I so felt like saying that,
Rukia: (walks in) I take offensise to that!
Asagi: You do? Sorry, but I find cluelessness to be cute!
Rukia: 'm not completelty clueless,
Asag: Yeah, but it's easy for us writers to think that you are,
Rukia: True, but did you have to take such pleasure in that supid kissing story you just read?
(I read a fanfic about Rukia not noing wat kissing was so Ichigo demonstrated)
Asagi: Hey throw me abone will ya'?! If Bleach offered more IchiRuki I wouldn't crave it so much!
Rukia: Well that's true,
Asagi: Yeah it is! Besides, um, I forgot wat I was gonna say
Ichigo: I do that,
Rukia & Asagi: We no,
Ichigo: Hey! Oh and Asagi, by the way, some of those fanfics are just stupid and humiliating, must you read them?
Asagi: Don't make me answer that,
IchiRuki: Um, you're on those things like dogs on steak!
Asagi: My dog perfers salad!
Ichigo: Cut down on the humilation, will ya'?
Asagi: No! I haven't been this happy in years!
Rukia: Ichigo, just shut up, it's easier that way,
Posts And Comments
I won't post another one of those "Conversation Stories" untill someone comments and says that they want me to, I mean, how do I no wat you guys like if you don't tell me?