Yeah, this used to be Bleach Games! but that kinda dropped, now at Sugar Coated Strawberries or Sugar Berries for short, we discuss anything and everything IchiRuki, I'm open to IchiRuki guest posts here too, why Sugar Coated Strawberries? Because Ichigo is the strawberry (obviously) and Rukia is the snow (or in this case sugar coating) that goes over it, Strawberries are too sour without sugar coated on them! So now the strawberries are sweeter! So have fun guys!
- Created By AsagiTaichou
Wat If...?
Wat if...
1. Byakuya disgeused himself as a substitute chemistry teacher for Ichigo's class?
2. Rukia got ahold of a bag of cotten candy, and fell asleep wile eating it?
3. Ichigo found a bunny and Rukia saw him holding it, and thought it was hers?
4. Weasel got ahold of Rukia and found out that she was "Ichigo's girl" and hit her? (atleast hit her)
5. Ichigo walked in on Rukia wile she was singing and getting dressed?
Answer time!!
It's time to update! Woooo! Let's start with "Wat if..." because there's no right or wrong answer, so wat if ... Byakuya got REALLY drunk one night and was locked in the room with you? Nanao44 said that she would be really sad, hm, I would take that oppertunity to strip him and take pictures, then publidh them all over Soul Society and say that Ichigo did it, I would keep the negitives though, 2. If Toshiro broke his leg playing soccer with Karin, Nanao44 said that she would never play soccer again, I would take that oppertunity to gang up with Rangiku and play pranks on him wile he slept, and or build Rangiku a get away vehical, but uh, seriously, I would probbably write fanfics about it, publish them and have Rangiku give them to Toshiro, after she finished her pranks, 3.Wat if Orahime started crying after Uryuu kissed her? Nanao44 (a very loyal fan) said that she would quietly laugh to herself, but I didn't say that it was because she was sad she's ccrying because she's happy! Because I like this couple, I would never ruin it, 4. Wat if Kon hadn't interupted Rukia and Ichigo right before the hole kidnapping thing? Ok, Nanao44 didn't understand that one, well, it's episode (15 I beleive) wen Rukia was talking to Ichigo and being all sweet or as Ichigo said "strange" then a ratty old Kon flung himself against her, and then the moment was ruined and they took him to Uryuu to get stitched up, it was right after the Menos Grande thing, anyway, sorry that I didn't make that clear, then, hopefully Rukia would have said something like, "I need to tell you, this might be my last chance, so, Ichigo, I, I'm in love with you," and Ichigo would say the same thing force her to explain about Soul Society and be all Mr. Protective, yay! 5. If Ichigo had stayed in Soul Society or Rukia went home with him Nanao44 would be happy, so would I, honestly in the end, I think Ichigo has become too attached and wind up as the Captin Commander and living in Soul Society with his lovely wife Rukia, and also, Set-Chan said that she would like me to wite a fanfic were all this stuff happens, I'm not sure if I can do that, but I'll try! Actually, I might add that to my... never mind, Shhh it's a secret! Now! On to Write with me! Actually, Nanao44 is the only one that responded, so, her answer will be in the update, now let's move on to Would You Rather! Would you rather kiss Kon, or call Byakuya Little Baby Bya? Nanao44 said she would rather call Byakuya "Little Baby Bya" not too dangerouse I guess, Youraweichie called him "Little Byakuya" ounce, so as long as you have Rukia next to you, it's ok, and Pussycat said she would rather kiss Kon!Forgive her! She dosen't no much about Kon! You no that I would chose Byakuya, actually, I named a doll Bya, for a girl, it's cute! Now! Wat happens next? Here's the scene... Ichigo is standing on a hollow's head chatting with Rukia, does the hollow A) Polietly ask Ichigo if he was going to stand there all day, well, I'm gettin' sick o' typin' so I'll tell ya' if you guessed A you're right! Episode 5 ceck it out! Pussycat said C) Something about using force, now! Who's line is it anyway? #1. "Why don't you go hide in the corner tremble in fear and yell, 'Save me Ichigo Save me!' like your supposed to?!" it was Ichigo! Nanao44 was right! #2. "Nice angel," Kon! Sorry, Pussycat said I spelled "Angel" not angel, episode, 7, the first was episode 41, #3. "Stupid! Wat do you think I'm trying to do?! Set a world record or how long I can hold my breath?! You nocked the wind outta me! You nearly suffocated me to death!" It was Rukia! Pussycat got it! Episode 61! #4. "Oh I see! You can't do it with your hands all bandeged up!" Ichigo episode 15! #5. "Captin? Why are you in my room?" Rangiku! Episode 46 I beleive! #6. "You are just a foolish human..." Rukia! Pussycat got that one too! Episode 16! #7. "Ok little Brat?" Ichigo! Episode 1! #8. "A kiss is nothing more than a sighn of greeting, besides, there are alot worse things that can happen to a girl, like in this book I was reading..." Rukia! Nanao44 got it right! Episode 6! #9. "Why didn't you take me with you?" Soifon! Episode 57! #10. "Are you disapointed? You are aren't you? You little pervert!" "I'll drown you!" Youraweichie, and then Ichigo, episode 50! And finally Don't Forget The Lyrics! The flowers are set alight,
Sparkling, dancing, realising a blue dream
Two petals from,
The fireworks of dreams,
Fall quietly,
In the sky,
And can you,
Who went away,
To the other side,
See it too?
It's the same light
It's Hanabi! No one even guessedAnyway! New stuff! New stuff!
Who's That?!
I no, I'm not supposed to update 'till tomorrow, but Set-Chan gave me a great new game Ideah, here's how to play, I give you a nickname, you guess who would be called that name, and ho would be calling it, PS: You have till NEXT saturday
1. "Hime"
2. "Peachy"
3. "Little Byakuya"
4. "Ruru"
5. "Death Berry" (extremely obviouse sorry)
Wat If...?
Wat if this happened?
Wat if Byakuya got Really drunk one night and was locked in the room with you?
Wat if Toshiro broke his leg playing soccer with Karin?
Wat if Orahime started crying after Uuryu kissed her?
Wat if Kon hadn't interupted them wen Rukia and Ichigo were talking right before the hole "kidnapping" thing?
Wat if Ichigo had decided to live in Soul Society with Rukia, OR Rukia had gone home with him?
(Oh yeah, I'm evil! Mwahahahahahaa!)
Write With Me!
Now you tell me wat to write next!
There was a crash, there was an "Ow!" he helped her up, she fell again, her ankle really hurt, she gritted her teeth, he said,