
First, let's do, Would You Rather, two outta three said save Rukia, personally, I really don't no, I guess save Rukia, even though I would love to fight, I'd probbably love to see the look on her face and then wen she started telling me not to rescue her I'd call her nuts, suicidal, and nobility struc you wrong, Now, Wat happens Next? The answer is B!Zombienuts is right! Yay! Don't forget the lyrics, the answer is Tonight Tonight Tonight! Nanao44 got that one! And now, Wat if...? No answers, but, my answers are, if Renji defeated Byakuya he would have saved Rukia first, that would make me sad, if Ichigo rescued Rukia the first time she would probbably be kicking and screaming the hole time, if Rukia was never captured by Soul Society her and Ichigo would probbably be married by now, if #4 happened (I dn't wanna repeat the hole thing) Ivhigo would have to heal her and then they would kiss! If Uryuu never lost his powers then I wouldn't have as much fun in the Bounto arc, alright now, Who's Line Is It Anyway? #1 is Kukaku, she's right in so many ways, #2 is actually Uryuu! Got ya' didn't I? Hahaha! #3 is Jidanbo (I hope that's how you spell that,) #4 is Gin, or as I like to call him, Cat Face, #5 is Renji, #6 is Nanao, #7 is Ichigo, he's talking about Mizurio by the way, #8 is Rukia, #9 is Rukia again, #10 is Cat Face, Gin, well, now for the new games!
