
I got the ideah last night to have Rukia bitten by a snake, problum is, that I needed to find a snake that would kill her within a few hours, not right away, that was not easy! And not neccesarily possible! So I got my Snake Dictionary, (we live near the woods) and I looked for about an hour, the closest I found was one that killed children, so I thought, "Rukia's close to being a child's size, why not say that it's taking longer because she's just a little bigger than a child" so, sorry, originally I didn't no wat to do, then I came up wth this, why a snake? Because one, it's extremely common, (espically for a nice young lady like Rukia, hikin' aroung in ankle high grass) two, I needed something venomouse and figured that a shrew is not very likely, and three, snakes are the ONLY animal on the planet that I don't absolutly love, I would sooner cuddle a shark then touch one of those creepy crawlers, and actually, I do plan to swim with sharks one day, I'm not insane, simply someone who wants to protect animals, not to mention, I still didn't want it to be the animal's fault, and I read in Case Closed about a case were a girl makes a Sea Snake bite a woman, so, anyway, just thought I'd let you no,
