Ok, I'm sure at one time or another I have mentioned this to everyone, but hey, why not repeat myself? And now's the perfect time to too, ok, I was just on DA looking for another cute pic, and I came across an IchiRuki fanfic, and I have rules, you see, and I came across something in the first sentence that made me back track, the reason?? Stuff like that makes Asagi sad, and a sad Asagi, is a "I will eventually devolp a twinge of anger for the rest of the night" Asagi, and that's never good, plus, why would I LIKE being depressed? So, here a few fanfic rules I have, one: Ichigo and Rukia are not aloud to die for any reason, 2. Ne extended partings, 3. They stay in the storyline, they aren't aloud to be normal teenagers, or have careers and meet by accedent, no, no, no! That all defeats the purpose! I will not read a fanfic that has that stuff! It makes me sad and or defeats the purpose! Now to cheer things up, here's my fav pic of Jin and China!
My Brand Of IchiRuki