Well the title says it all, I've got alot to do, and yet, nothing to do, figure that one out, I had to watch episode 183 of Bleach raw, ugh, I'm trying to figure out wat to do after my updates, I could check Score Entertainment for new info, check the delivery date on my wig *yawn*, um, read more o' that Math Book so I can get my convention money sooner *hits head* uhhhh, oh, check possible convention merchendise (but that's always not as much fun as it sounds) and um, *yawn* eh, do a few Bleach related things, 'kay well, here's some cute IchiRuki-ness, oh that reminds me! Neccy should be home soon! I better call her and make sure that she survived school uh, right! IchiRuki!
Much To Do About Nothing