Hiya! This is Fun In Sugar Berry Feilds! A place for anything fun! Ofcourse it must be Bleach, well, mainly Bleach related, so, since people were upset about Bleach Games! taking a plunge, this is the new world for all things silly! DO NOT CLICK <center><b><a href="http://www.geocities.com/lilndnplaya/noclick.html">DO NOT CLICK THIS!!!!!</a></center></B>

Why Do I Bother Asking Wen I'll Usually Do It Anyway?

Yeah more questions, so I've been thinking... how about (along with my IchiRuki posts) I do a new "post theme" for this world? Anime High School or something, some of my favirote charectors drop by and talk about things in the real world (ya' no useless junk they'd only find out about through a school) wat'd'ya' say? And now I turn this post over to the lovely Rukia because I need to finish writing my book ^^; oh! But before I forget! Let's see the picture that inspired this little ideah Thank you Noirassasin! And look at little Ru! Awww! Ain't she cute folks?

Thank you Asagi! And as for the cute comments... wat am I a teddy bear? You coo over me like nothing else! Well... maybe puppies but I dunno ^^;

Asagi: Aw! But you're like a giant Cupi Doll!
Rukia: Let's change the topic -_- So! I'm deffinatly up for this Anime High thing! It sounds cool! I'll be on the gymnastics team
Asagi: *laughs at Gymnastics pun* Yeah.. and Ichi'll run track!
Ichigo: Sure... why am I running track again?
Asagi: o.o



THANK YOU 2,800+ HITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALSO! THREE GIFTS TO WHO EVER CAN TRANSLATE THESE! http://bleachasylum.com/showthread.php?p=735821#post735821 just click the "spoiler" buttons http://bleachasylum.com/showthread.php?t=5570and this is under "strips and comics" and "Kaiho" I am DESPRETE! ALSO AS A TREAT I'M POSTING FUNNY MINI DOUJINS!

Bleach Olympics

This is the Bleach '09 Calender cover hehe, Ruki as a gymnasit, ironically I used to take gymnastics wen I was three, I was no good though -_-