Hiya! This is Fun In Sugar Berry Feilds! A place for anything fun! Ofcourse it must be Bleach, well, mainly Bleach related, so, since people were upset about Bleach Games! taking a plunge, this is the new world for all things silly! DO NOT CLICK <center><b><a href="http://www.geocities.com/lilndnplaya/noclick.html">DO NOT CLICK THIS!!!!!</a></center></B>

Hello Ladies

sorry 'bout the delay ya'll

Soul Reapers, Flying Pigs, And French Strawberries, Oh Yeah, I Went There

not THE funniest but I'm trieing, picture says: R: He is so CUTEwen he's embarresed! Awww! You smiled Ichigo! I:Great! Look eat you've done now Ichigo! Shut up

1,400+ HITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THANK YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll get back to the Bleach posts later, but here are some funny things! says: "I don't understand that idiot's obsession with matchmakeing" *push* *kiss* "Oh!" "You're smarter thsn you look!" "Thanks?"


Ichigo Rocks Kurosaki

Yo, this is Ichigo, Asagi can't post much else today, she has a freind's birthday to go to, she told me to post something so I am, .... Rukia posted something stupid about me yesterday didn't she? Thought so, anyway, yeah, Asagi is burried in some "IchiRuki mush" fest, amazeingly, the song "My heart will go on" started playing in the background wen she read the part about me and Rukia kissing in the rain, anyway, she's about to strangle me with her endless romantic-chit-chat so I'm leaving... Rukia don't push! I mean um, sorry? Hey! Who posted that?!