Hiya! This is Fun In Sugar Berry Feilds! A place for anything fun! Ofcourse it must be Bleach, well, mainly Bleach related, so, since people were upset about Bleach Games! taking a plunge, this is the new world for all things silly! DO NOT CLICK <center><b><a href="http://www.geocities.com/lilndnplaya/noclick.html">DO NOT CLICK THIS!!!!!</a></center></B>

Ok, I Think This Is The Last One, I Hope!

1. We got Aperial at PetLand
2. All the animals there have respatory problums so DON'T go there!
3. Apie (her nickname) had phnemonia ounce wen she was a newborn
4. We got rid of it
5. Uuum, I was tagged by Ruru
6. It was only me
7. I can't wait to post more cards
8. can't wait to go to Neccy's
9. One of my fave IchRuki writers is actually named NESSIE
10. I'm gonna post somethin' funny in a minute

Now I tag Ruru!

Does It Never End?!!

Alright fine!

1. My favirote movie is Cursed
2. My favirote book is Eclipse
3. I found Twilight by accedent
4. Two of my freinds (twins ironically) were reading the series last year and I liked the book covers
5. Then I heard about the titles on here, found out they were the same and fell in love with them
6. I've memorized the entire dialog between Ichigo and Rukia from episode one starting with "So you're tellin' me, that you're a Soul Reaper" and going to, "So you little brat be gratefull!"
7. Wen I'm bored I ask my mom if she wants t hear it and she gets this look on her face and says, "NO! No thank you! No!" Like she's scared, weird
8. I WAS eating a salad but then I accedently put the wrong dressing on it and ruined it for me
9. This war is getting old
10. I found anime by accedent

Now I tag anyone who thinks Ichigo is hot/absolutly adorable!

And The Tagging War Continues!

Gee thanks Ruru

1. Um, my favirote fanfic ever is called "Sharring The Pain"
2. I have absolutly no crituqe for it at all and it was the girl's first attempt at IchiRuki
3. That really makes me jealouse
4. The main ideah if the story is that Rukia feels bad for Ichigo risking his life for her and getting scars she starts cutting herself to atone for it (ofcourse it's the stupid school systum that GAVE her that ideah) and she stats getting sick fromit and then Ichigo finds out and the ending is AMAING
6. My favirote Doujinshi is called "Message"
7. It's about Rukia going in for another swim in the pool of selfhate and trying to leave but then Ichigo finds out and gets mad and the ending is AMAZING PLEASE CHECK IT OUT!
8. The simalarities are a coincidence I asure you
9. I posted one page of "Message" on Sugar Berries a wile ago
10. I'm finally done!

Now I tag anyone who hates Kagome Higarashi! I lke her but SOME people disagree!

No!!!!!!! Tagged Again!!!!!!!!

Alright, fine, fine,

1. I'm watching a movie with Pussycat
2. I'm going to Neccy's later
3. I have really sharp nails
4. I want to post something else but don't no wat
5. I have never cut my hair
6. I had an ideah for a fanfic at 3 AM last night
7. I wrote said fic today and posted it
8. Even though I have a big book of songs I like it takes forever to find a good one to post 'cause I also need a good AMV
9. I have both of Cascada's CDs
10. I made an AMV last night with her song "Dream On Dreamer" about Ichigo's fight to rescue Rukia

Now I tag anyne that dosn't have a tattoo

This Is For Bluhart! Thank You Ruru!