Here Kitty, Kitty!

And this is the Ichigo: it says: Key charectiristics: Blazing orange pelt and irritable

Rebeliouse towards higher authority but feircly loyal to family and freinds, Ichigokitties pick fights first and make freinds later, they do not like being called "Strawberry" they do not like being thoughtof as "Strawberry," they do not like being compared to a strawberry, they do not like being near a strawberry, they do not like strawberries

Ichigokitties like to play with very sharp and potentially dangerouse objects, often choosng a favirote toy and stashing it away for later, they are paticuarly fond of large oversized nives and ike to run around and swing them haphazardly

"I shall call you 'Zangetsu' and you shall be mine!"
