Says: FANS: Hey there she is! Hey Rukia R:Huh? F:We have a problum, the IchiHime-ers are getting more popular, we need yu to confess to Ichigo now We can't let the IchiHimes win! If you tell him IchiRuki will be canon and that will be the end of IchiHime! You can do it Rukia! We belive in you! If Orahime can confess then so can you! R: Well, I DO have feelings for Ichigo F: Really?! YES! IchiRuki canon! IchiRuki canon! R: But oh! I cannot tell him! For there is another man in my heart! F: WHO IS IT?! ..... R: Hello Ichigo, I:Hey Rukia, wat's with the evil grin? R: Oh nothing I:... R: Oh! One thing, there's no need to worry about Aizan anyomre grave Aizan Souske, ruler of Las Noches, pwned by IchiRuki fans
Funny ^^