Captain of the Ninth

I sat on the bench by the pond, my bare feet dangling in the water. The water was cool and refreshing against my skin. Koi and other fish of all kinds swam around in the water, darting here then there. Beside me lay my zanpakuto--my partner--Tsuenoraiden. In my mind I could hear him bantering on about how electricity and water did not mix and to get my feet out of the pool this instant. I just internally laughed at him and swished my feet around in the water.

The Division Nine garden was directly behind my captain's quarters. I could look out of my window in the mornings and gaze at it, inhaling the sweet scent of the flowers. It was a quiet contrast to the busy, bustling and noisy Seireitei Communication offices in the heart of the barracks, which I had visited earlier.

Speaking of the offices, when I had walked in earlier, wearing my captain's haori, most of the shinigami had halted in their places, some running into others, and gazed at me in disbelief. I did not blame them. I was very young--almost too young--for a captain. I was even younger than the youngest among us. I smiled at the fact that I had broken the record. It was childish to find triumph in that small fact, but I was a child, and so I did.

That train of thought turned to my training growing up. My clan's advisers specifically picked me and trained me to be--not just a shinigami--but a shinigami captain. Even thought the seats were already filled at the time, they had faith that I would make it to the top. I did not disagree with their desires. It would not have been wise to, and I was not the head of the clan. My adoptive sister, Suigetsu, was. I knew the moment I had heard that she caught wind of her advisers' idea, that my destiny was sealed. Of course, she came up to me and said specifically, "Suisenro, you're gonna do this even if I have to force you to!"

So that was that, and, by the unfortunate chance of Sousuke Aizen betraying Soul Society, here I was: Captain of the Ninth.

Raiden glowed and out he popped in human form, clad in white, gold and blue robes, silver armor plating, long, white hair with part of it up in a ponytail, royalty style adornments all across his clothing and hair, and a red and gold demon samurai mask with white horns covering his handsomely beautiful and young face. His all white eyes with electric yellow-gold paint over his eyelids shone brightly through his mask. His legs were crossed and one arm laid in his lap. His other hand was planted firmly on one knee. He sat on the bench next to me, his back towards me.

Raiden was, in a sense, my mind's rendition of the god of lightning and thunder the humans prayed to. As such, he both spoke and looked like a god.

He spoke in a deep voice that sounded like thunder and struck from his mouth like lightning from the sky. "Stop thinking about how you got here and focus on why you're here."

I was silent, gazing down at my feet.

"Why are you here, Suisenro?" Raiden asked me.

"To make my family proud and bring honor to my clan's name."

"Wrong!" he thundered. He repeated, "Why are you here?"

I thought carefully before answering. "To serve and protect the souls of the realms. To withhold the balance of the realms. To follow the Head Captain's orders and to lead my division with diligence, integrity and efficiency. And, most of all, to maintain peace, even in the time of war."

I saw Raiden nod out of the corner of my eye. "Correct. So focus on that. Right now you have work to do. You have to show the people of this division that you are not a mere child. You are the captain of the Ninth Division. You are a protector of souls and a keeper of peace and balance. You are their leader and their idol. So be what you are meant to be. Do not look back. Do not bow to anyone weaker than yourself. Demand respect, then show that you are worthy of that respect."

I closed my eyes. "Yes, Raiden. I understand."

He nodded again. "Then go forth and show them..."

With that, he was gone, and I was left to my thoughts, the cool water of the pond and the scents of the garden behind my captain's quarters at Division Nine.
