The Fall Festival at school was pretty fun. The prizes kinda sucked though, we gave tickets that you could trade in for prizes...usually you'd get candy...TT^TT
Me and my best friend ran Plinko first shift. During the shift, we got visitors (our other friends) and I talked with one of my friends about Death Note, and he said--*LE GASP*--he's never heard of it!!! O.O (My best friend, whom I once forced to watch Naruto Shippuden with me (Gaara vs. Deidara) said "Oh my GAWD, more clay birds?!" (He's a nontaku. TT^TT))
After our shift was over we just kinda hung around with our other friends...and I didn't get to put my teacher in the dunk tank! TT^TT (Sorry for the TT^TT overkill!)
So. All in all, I had fun!
Fall Festival! ^.^