School's finished! HUZZAH! :O Bye-bye eighth grade and all the b*tchy girls in my class! I won't miss you!
And I found Jeevas! And Mihael's not broken anymore! YAY!
Just FYI--Jeevas is my phone. He'd been AWOL for 2 weeks and I FINALLY found the couch. *sighs* YES, I lay on my @$$ so much that my phone got lost in the couch.
Also FYI--Mihael is my camera. His screen was cracked and, long story short, he's fixed now! Just in time for the con I was ranting non-stop about! Which is in two weeks! It's going to be AWESOME!
(Oh, and YES--I do name all my tech gear after anime characters.)
And, last but not least--Firefox and I are creating a manga together called The Mystical Mishappenings in Queryland.