Number Meme

1... 2... 3... Meme
Do not repeat answers.
Tag TEN people once you are done.
Answer the questions truthfully.


ONE best friend.

- Oh geez. Can't pick. I guess Ian, 'cause he's my oldest friend.

TWO confessions.

- I am really resentful even though I seem forgiving.
- I get too attatched to people I love.

THREE things you wish for.

- 4.0 GPA
- A successful future
- For my dad to trust that I'm not going to do anything stupid

FOUR random thoughts.

- Last night was fun. :D
- LOLOLOL yaoi fanservice...
- Bad grammar is SO ANNOYING.
- I want a Twix bar.

FIVE favorite colors.

- Black
- Purple
- Green
- Orange
- Blue

SIX things that bug you.

- Bad grammar and spelling
- This annoying guy in my Spanish class
- Rap music
- Crust on ketchup bottles
- Showoffs
- Annoyingly perky people

SEVEN quotes or conversations.

- "Why are we talking about singing cabbages?"--Cheook (Not quite sure how to spell her name)
- "Wait...flying fried brick? What?"--Ed
- "Who needs a real boyfriend when you have Zexion and fanfic?"--Me
- "Yay, let's all do the socially awkward dance!"--Me
- "GET BACK HERE, YOU FUZZBAG CAKE THIEF!"--Nina (in Lexi's birthday comic)
- "What are you doing in the girls' bathroom, L?"--Me
- "Does this shirt show off my boobs too much?"--James

EIGHT things you've learned.

- Studying is more important than watching Shane Dawson.
- I could become a heroin addict and a prostitute at any time (-_-' Thanks Dad...).
- Friends that make fun of you for things you like are not real friends, no matter what they say.
- Avoid people who stir up drama.
- Candy is not for breakfast, but it should be.
- Don't get your hopes up, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment.
- Truly awesome people are hard to find, but they are well worth the search.
- Peeing in the woods? Awwwwwwwwkwaaaaaaaaard.

NINE things you love.

- My family
- My friends
- Sleeping
- Good food
- Life (at this point)
- Alone time
- Writing
- Rainy days
- Surprise snow days! XD

TEN people you will tag.

- Any
- Person
- That
- Would
- Like
- To
- Do
- This
- Number
- Meme
