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[theOtaku: Beth | Aim: SunfallE | Hotmail: SunfallE]

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~Thank you Indi~ <3

African Killer Bees

If you haven't heard, I've been taking an EMT Basic class this year (Emergency Medical Technician). It's a lot of new information to take in and at the same time it's really interesting since it's being taught by the actual Paramedics and emergenc...

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Just a little snippet from my conversation with Adam on AIM last night:

adam: i want to show you a special preview
sunfalle: awesome. :D We've needed that for like, FOREVER
sunfalle: so what challenge will you give the otakus in order to earn that new feature? ;p
adam: i know just the one
adam: hahahahahah
adam: hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah
adam: hehehehehhehehehehehe
adam: hohohohohohohohohoh

Like I'd actually tell tell you anything else. :p

Celebrity Chat With Kyle Hebert: Extra

As many of you already know we had Kyle Hebert here at theOtaku today for a celebrity chat. After the questions were done, Kyle, being the awesome guy that he is, stayed around and chatted with everyone for well over an hour. I saved the l...

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Story Time

So we're in 2012 already. Seems like only yesterday it was the beginning of 2011. I swear, the older I get the faster a year goes by. ANYWAY... I've been having a decent year so far, just rather busy. I decided it was a bright idea to sign up for ...

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Merry Christmas

It's a bit early (since it's only 1:30am) but Merry Christmas just the same. I hope all of you have a great Holiday. Texas decided to pull a whammy on me and it snowed most of the day yesterday. We only got up to about six inches of snow but for a...

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