Welcome to SunfallE's World
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[theOtaku: Beth | Aim: SunfallE | Hotmail: SunfallE]
~Thank you Indi~ <3
Welcome to SunfallE's World
[OtakuBoards | DeviantArt | AnimePaper | Anime Gallery]
[theOtaku: Beth | Aim: SunfallE | Hotmail: SunfallE]
~Thank you Indi~ <3
Lately I've been getting a lot of ideas for making art. Photoshop frustrates me because it can't do what I want it to and spending the money on something more expensive is totally out of the question. Something like that would be a total waste of money for me.
So I found some freeware program called MyPaint and decided to play with it. That resulted in my most recent drawing of a bored Jesse. :p I think I'm going to like this program since it has a lot of different types of brushes, from pencil to watercolor to oil and so on.
It’s supposed to support tablets so hopefully I can get one of those. I’m not holding my breath though. I’m forever having other expenses come up. XP Anyway, so far I am having fun with it. Which is good, I have a lot of ideas in my head right now. :p
Anyway, later everyone.
Because chat is silly.
MewMew: .-.
MewMew: beth i have a confession
SunfallE: oh?
MewMew: i am a mighty morphin power ranger
SunfallE: lol
Desbreko: Now I've got to listen to the Power Rangers theme.
I've been reviewing my stash of saved chats and ones that have been sent to me, mainly to hunt up some stuff for moderation purposes. But while doing so, I came across this little gem and figured I'd share it with you all. Enjoy! XD
Aceburner runs through the room in a speedo.
little inufan: LMAO
Aceburner has been warned by SabrinaM.
SabrinaM: Bad!
Allamorph: That, and I have a friend who's depth perception can't understand that color.
Kaydirt: HAHA
little inufan omoshiroi
Aceburner: ^_^
Aceburner has been warned by Allamorph.
SabrinaM: My poor eyes.
SabrinaM: @_@
Kaydirt: sabrina just won'd the whole chat with that