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[theOtaku: Beth | Aim: SunfallE | Hotmail: SunfallE]

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~Thank you Indi~ <3

When Your Internet Hates You...

Just a quick post so people will know why I'm not around. My Internet has decided it doesn't want to work right. It keeps going out on me. It did a little yesterday, but today, it's been consistently going out off and on all day long. They'...

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Lazy Saturday

Or perhaps it would be better to say a typical/normal Saturday. I spent most of the day doing stuff like laundry and hanging out here taking care of stuff. I'm currently working on something moderation related that if all goes well, I'll be unveil...

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Hooligans Are Among Us

So, just a few points I want to cover here. One: Why do people think coming into chat... only to spend FOUR HOURS telling everyone they're slashing their wrists, biting their tongue so they'll bleed to death, and ...

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Well I kind of vanished a bit last week. I had a viral sinus infection which meant nasty headaches to go with it. I really hate that cause you can't take antibiotics, you just have to wait it out. So naturally when I returned, there was a lot of w...

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Are You Still There?

Chat was rather amusing last night. =3 As many of you know, Adam can go into lurker mode in chat so you can't see that he's in the room. I was curious about it and asked him on AIM how one goes about doing that. His response was this: ...

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