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[theOtaku: Beth | Aim: SunfallE | Hotmail: SunfallE]

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~Thank you Indi~ <3

Don't Fall Over!

So how was everyone's holiday and black Friday and Saturday shopping? I had a great holiday but other than to work I didn't go out on Friday or Saturday. I thought about it but any real shopping would have required driving to one of the bigger tow...

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A little of both

First of all I hope you all had a good Turkey day. I cooked yummy food and then spent time with friends and had a nice feast. I then, after cleaning up, indulged in a nice nap. It was also a beautiful day out at 73 degrees. Just an all around perfect and relaxing day.

Now on to the other reason for this post. As I mentioned in the last one I'm doing Christmas Cards. If you've expressed an interest in one then I need you to PM me your info and let me know if you want mine in return. Some of you already have sent it so I'm just looking to get the rest.

If you haven't commented on the previous one wanting an e-card by all means do that on this one so I don't miss out on making one for you here. And If you missed out on wanting a regular card let me know for that too.

Anyway, enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend. I get to work tomorrow but at least it's not a full shift. XD

Holiday Cards

I was thinking of sending Christmas cards to my friends this year. They wouldn't be anything super special on account of my not having any of my scrapbooking supplies with me. I haven't been able to get the rest of my stuff from Utah yet and when I will is kind of up in the air at the moment. I'd still try to at least send something fun and cute. XD If you're interested in getting one then leave me a comment on this post.

Now obviously some of you I don't know all that well so instead of asking for an address I would instead make and dedicate an e-card to you here. That would also work for anyone who didn't want to give their address out as well. I would certainly understand if anyone didn't want to give it out.

Anyway, so lets start with just leaving a comment if you're interested and go from there? If I need an address I'll ask via PM and if it's going to be an e-card then I'll just ask for the names of several series you like so I can look around for scans to make cards from.

Oh and if you already know you don't wish to give an address out just go ahead and mention some series or games or stuff you like in the comments for me to work with. Thanks!


Yeah yeah we all know what today's date is (no disrespect intended towards the actual holiday) so instead of doing something beyond the title of my post have a picture instead.


I hope all of you had a good Halloween since mine decided to trick me this year. It started Sunday morning with a dull ache in my lower left back. I had work that afternoon so I took a couple of Tylenol and went to it. Halfway through it I had to ...

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