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[theOtaku: Beth | Aim: SunfallE | Hotmail: SunfallE]

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~Thank you Indi~ <3

Yay For Cake!

I've survived another trip around the sun. lolol So I shall end up eating delicious cake later today since that's what one does on their birthday. xD

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Hummy, you so cute! x3


I'm glad this week is close to finishing up since I've been rather busy on account of CERT training every evening. If you're not heard of it then just go and take a look here: CER...

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My friend's kids here in Texas have several pets, including their cat Sissy. Since I'm staying with them at the moment I'm using one of the bedrooms and it just happens to be the one where the cat's food is set. My computer is on a desk in front o...

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Way Out There

Well so far Texas is turning out to be a decent place to live. I'm still getting used to the utter lack of Mountains though. It's just weird to constantly see a fairly flat horizon. To give you an idea I took a picture from the front door of the h...

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Round Two

My first day of substitute teaching went well last Friday. Got a great teacher who started as a sub so she left a nice detailed list so I knew exactly what to do. I also got good kids to work with. Now I'm on to my second assignment. Same school but for a different teacher this time. I expect it will go well too.

Anyway, I had a nice lazy weekend. Well aside from the slew of reports that got sent in for the site. And I do mean that. There were a lot. I still have around 30 to get through and stuff in an PM to address. I figure I'll get to that either today or tomorrow. :p

Well time to gather my stuff and head down to the school. Have a good day everyone.