Getting Settled In

It's taking some time, but I'm starting to get use to how things run here at the new blogging service for theOtaku. There are so many things to check out that it's almost mind boggling at times. I have so much to learn! XP I still haven't found everyone yet so I hope you'll be patient with me on that. Even if you've subscribed to my new location, it doesn't tell me who you are so by all means, drop a comment to help me find you! ^_~

There isn't much new to tell you really, with the weekend coming up I'm just taking it easy as I learn how everything here works. I am feeling slightly under the weather though so I hope I'm not coming down with something. >_< I really hate getting sick. The good news though is we are definitely getting out of winter as they days keep getting longer and the days slightly warmer. It's so nice to finally see the snow melting and things starting to turn green.

Anyway, on to the comments!


Rachmaninoff: I’m hoping to see more color choices too. Though at the very least I do like some of them as you can see by my semi Lunar theme.

Allamorph: First of all, you sir need a world! :p Second - I agree, the site though a bit sterile is nice and clean and I like that a lot. It has such a nice simple feel to it.

indifference: Oh I’m sure people will find a way around, they usually do. As for being fun… depends on your definition of fun. *poke*

Aaryanna: Yeah, I don’t care for the comment boxes either. They are nice, but I hate how they are over everything. I suspect I’ll be typing things up in word and doing copy paste for replies.

Shishou: Heh, I’m not sure what the deal was with mine, I only know the first time it didn’t work and the second time it did. It was long enough between the two that I don’t know if I did anything different or not.

I’m not sure on the emotes though. I’m kind of use to some really cute kitty ones for MSN, but I’m sure they’ll grow on me. They just seem so odd at the moment. Heh.

That seems to be a sentiment I’m running into a lot, the color choices are lacking and the placement of the comment box bothers people. Hurray for word, copy and paste! :p

LystikinenaXP: Oh you’re welcome. I’m still finding people since things are so different now. It’s going to take getting use to I imagine. Though it helps that myOtaku is still up so I can log into it and find people that way.
