Odds & Ends

I never seem to post very often and it’s not because I don’t have anything to say, oh no. It’s more that I can’t choose what to talk about. There are always so many things I could go off on, like the addition of a Dr. Who category to theOtaku or the return of the comment deletion function which I am very glad to see again. The comment option has me going o_O though since I have to be careful to not hit the delete option when I’m replying to a comment. I never had to worry about that one before, heh.

Another thing I was considering talking about was letting people know you can always pm me with concerns or issues you run into in regards to the site. With all the changes and Adam working hard to get everything online, it’s helpful if people let us know about issues they are having. It is a good idea to be patient though since there’s a lot of work to be done so naturally that sort of thing takes time and some things have a higher priority than others.

Let’s see, I posted more of my Silver One story, though sometimes I look at it and cringe since I’ve been working to improve my writing skills and now I see so many mistakes in it. XD I’m planning on going through it and working out some of the kinks and formatting before requesting some editing help with it. I’d love to get it up in the fan words section since it’s my own original story. It’s far from perfect and I’m sure it has its literacy flaws, but, it’s still my own creation and I’m rather fond of it. ^_^

I’m also working on getting the site guidelines ready to be reposted in the site FAQ since that’s been down for a while and not having the specific rules in regards to issues like Plagiarism and such is on the confusing side; if all goes well that will be up in the FAQ section shortly.

Anyway, maybe next time I’ll do a post with helpful hints on how to report an item when you suspect plagiarism, or even a general guide on how the reporting system works.
