
I decided to alter my theme a bit since I was getting tired of my older one. The hardest part was finding a background to fit the world itself. So... I finally snagged the background from the purple theme and modified and lightened the colors and then uploaded it. That way it tiles nicely and fits color wise. I had other ideas but none of them looked right.

I also did the standard mix up of posting in the wrong world. XP I put my new Silver One post up here instead of in the right world so I had to move it back. I'm pretty good at not doing that so I always feel silly when I accidentally manage to do something like that. lol

Let's see, we've been getting a lot of rain storms for us, keeping the weather on the cool side for June. It's getting cold enough that we still need the furnace on at night! It's all of 40 degrees out which is on the chilly side for us. Usually this time of year it only gets down to about 50 degrees.

Not much else is going on other than I'm re-watching Lovely Complex. I just never get tired of that show. For those of you who haven't seen it, it's a romantic comedy about a guy who is short and a girl who is unusually tall. If you haven't seen it, I definitely recommend that you check it out.

Oh yeah... before I forget... I get so much junk mail! o_O Seriously!
