High Winds Are So Much Fun!

I've been having fun this evening with a storm front that is moving through Utah at the moment. -_- It started a while ago and before long we were issued a high wind warning. Since then there has literally been dozens and dozens of reports of winds hitting between 40-70 miles an hour.

The net result? I keep getting kicked off the Internet. My service comes via a cable that runs along power lines in the air and a cable running to the home, so the wind is tossing that cable around a lot. I hope it doesn't break!^^ Anyway, I was in a staff meeting and got kicked out nine times since my Internet service kept cutting out. After the ninth time I decided to call it a night and attempt to get this up before switching to playing a game or something. XP

It's a good thing that tornadoes are rare around here! Otherwise I'd be worried with all the crazy wind! Anyway, since the advisory for wind is in effect for at least a couple more hours, I'm off to either read or play a game. I'll try to visit all of you later when my Internet is cooperating for a change!
