Patience Is A Virtue?! Since When?!

Thank you for all the wishes that I not get sick, if only my body would have listened since I went and did it… I just had to get sick. >_< The only good thing is that it’s not utterly horrible, I’m just tired and ache all over. I’ve been running a slight fever too, but the good news is that I spent most of the weekend sleeping. Enough that I feel a lot better so I think I’m over it, hopefully. I really hate getting sick. Though I’m sure no one likes to feel bad. Anyway…

I’ve been figuring out more of how things work here and incidentally running into lots of questions at the same time. I asked SomeGuy for some clarification on the Fan Words since he is directly involved in that. He put up a fantastic post that really clears up a lot on that so I recommend taking a moment to head over and read it: Fan Words

Now as for other stuff? I’ve been seeing quite a lot of frustration and confusion over the change and how that has affected everyone. A lot of people are upset and hurt while others are happy and content with how things are progressing. To be honest, I am perfectly happy with how things are going. Yes I know there are bugs, yes I know that it means things we really like are being left behind or altered in a way that feels like a betrayal. But it doesn’t change the fact that I am still happy with the positive direction this site is taking.

Maybe it’s my age, I’ve been around long enough that I know that even when painful, change is unavoidable. But more importantly, I’ve been a part of serious change before so I know how important it is to be patient and wait to see what happens. ^_~ I’ve done this from both ends mind you, as a customer and in tech support, so I’ve seen both sides. It reminds me of when I took my first programming class so long ago. I resisted changing operating systems because I liked what I had, it was comfortable, I knew it inside and out. I did not want something else that didn’t do things the same. And yet when I finally took that plunge, even though I lost things I loved, the new benefits outweighed the gains.

I think that in time, that will be the same for the new theOtaku and Worlds. Some things are likely to never return and yet so many new and exciting things have become available that I can’t help but be excited about where things are going to go from here. And as much as I love this place, it excites me to no end to see Adam taking such a huge leap and doing so much work to keep us going strong.


Aaryanna: Knowing Adam, I imagine that once things are up and running at full form, we’ll end up with more features added to the blogging aspect. And thanks about the theme. I was glad to finally get something I liked working.

Rachmaninoff: Thank you! I just saw the change you made to your site. The black and white with the piano is fantastic. ^_~

Desbreko: Yeah, I hope the comment boxes get changed eventually. I’m using word for copy and paste purposes. I haven’t had the issue with tagging, but then I’m use to highlighting and applying them, so naturally that does it automatically. And yeah I agree, getting sick totally sucks. >_<

Allamorph: And I shall look forward to when you do create a world. ^_~

indifference: I agree, it’s not a huge concern at this time. It has good simple functionality and I imagine that in time it will gain more features. As for getting rest, I’m going to be doing that again, as soon as I finish here actually.

SomeGuy: Oh definitely, Allamorph really needs a world. It really is hard to keep track of people since the updates only include so many before it scrolls off the page so if you have too many people on your list you miss out on them updating something. I hope that gets fixed in the near future.
