You Are My Sunshine

Oh how I wish the weather was actually sunshine. We've having the wettest season on record here. It's just not the norm for this part of Utah to constantly have storms during the spring. It makes me wonder what kind of summer we'll have. Plus we still have lots of snow up in the mountain tops that if it warms up fast, will result in flooding galore.

Seriously, so many of our rivers are at what's know as flood stage or above since the water is so high. And we've yet to really warm up like we usually do. So our typical spring run off isn't anywhere near to being done. Yeah... things could get interesting here real fast.

It really seems weird that we're already almost to June. When I was little the years and days seem to take forever and ever. Now that I'm older I find myself going... wtf... where the hell did the time go? lol

Anyway, I had a great weekend. Nehs was able to join us for D&D which was awesome. Then on Sunday Trip got the idea to try the demo for Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Since it's a horror game she wanted someone on Skype with her so she wouldn't be alone. I believe it started with Blank and then a fair number of others joined in.

Oh my gosh... poor Trip was spazzing 90 miles an hour. It was so funny and cute at the same time. I wanted to just hug her since the game was freaking her out. XD Best part of all, Shinmaru recorded some of it and then uploaded it so the rest of use would have it. Fun stuff. <3
