
I always find it slightly amusing when someone decides to troll someone else online. Not that I think being rude to others is funny, but rather I think it’s the height of stupidity to troll one of the moderators who handles complaints and freezes accounts for that kind of petty harassment. They can’t lie and bluff their way out of that one because the fall back of “I only did it because you were mean to my friend” doesn’t work. I KNOW I wasn’t mean to anyone and no one uses this computer but me.

Even if someone did attempt to use it, its password protected. So basically, it doesn’t happen unless I let someone use it and I don’t give out my password for logging into theOtaku. So yeah, it is a waste of time to attempt and convince me that someone is masquerading in my place, if that were so, my comment count would grow more than what I do, which it does not. So no one is logging in as me elsewhere either. I pay attention to things like that.

So when the excuse that I was mean did not work, then it was the excuse of my friend got my password and did it (make the false accusations and curse at me). Well just to clue anyone in on how I handle moderation… so what. It’s still YOUR account and YOUR responsibility. If you have a younger brother using it and doing stuff like that, or a friend… I’ll still freeze YOUR account to end petty harassment of other members. So if that really is the case my advice is to change passwords immediately because it won’t matter that you didn’t do it, you’ll still get in trouble because you have the ability to put a stop to it.

Anyway, I found out who I supposedly harassed and of course there are no rude comments. I checked thinking that perhaps they mistook someone with a similar name as me, but there was of course nothing. I’m not sure why people think trolling is funny. But seriously, part of my job here is to handle complaints of harassment so I certainly don’t go around insulting members and creating issues! lol
