Mystery Solved

I found out why I was getting trolled. I had removed a member’s fan art since they used someone else’s as a reference. Now the thing is, I tell people that all they have to do is resubmit it with the proper credit since most artists don’t mind if you use their work as a reference so long as you credit them as being the source.

Now I’m not going to mention names since an apology was sent for the rude behavior sent my way, but I am going to discuss it just a tiny bit because I could not pm them back to discuss it since apparently they blocked me from contacting them. That’s something that will mostly likely be addressed I imagine. Fixing it so members can’t block moderators.

Though it doesn’t stop me from freezing someone for misbehaving, make no mistake in that respect. I can still remove stolen works and deal with problematic members whether or not I can talk to them directly. I guess you could just say that I’d like to say in the future, don’t get upset and spread rumors about me to cover up your mistake. Own up to it and either one: don’t post it again or two: follow my instructions and re-post it with the proper credit.

Getting your friends to harass me only gets them in trouble too. Anyway, I’m pleased that the issue was ended. I don’t like to freeze people unless I have no choice. I may be strict with moderation but I do prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt. That’s why I give them the chance to realize they shouldn’t use others work or to go… oh, I need to make sure I include credit next time.

It’s to help people learn, not punish them since quite a few members aren’t really plagiarists, they just make honest mistakes. I only freeze those who I think really deserve it.

Anyway, I did at least have a very productive if not long day. I got more quizzes approved and a post up in regards to that. Apparently when we switched to Version Vibrant the older quizzes were not compatible and my first two quizzes were lost. So I re-did the image results since I know so much more now and put them back up again.

SomeGuy has an awesome quiz up as well that you should go and check out. :p And now that’s nearly four am I’m going to get some sleep. Making thirteen new quiz results for two quizzes took far longer than I expected it to.
