
As some of you already know I moved to Texas last week. So I'm now residing in West Texas where it's hot and flat. It's a huge change but it's one for the best. I've been looking for work in Utah for a while now and just not getting any response from the places I was applying to. With the economy as it is I know I'm not the only one trying to find something and having no luck.

The place I've moved to is a small town and yet it has oil, cotton and peanut farming so there is a lot of work to be had here. To give you an idea, I've been here almost a week and I already have two offers as of today. One to work for the school district here, pending a fingerprint check since they look for a criminal background (not worried about this since I don't have that kind of background XD).

The other is with the hospital here where I'd be working in the home health aide department. I will be getting the particulars tomorrow on that one. Once I have that I get to play pick which one to actually take. Should be fun!
