
I had such a wonderful Birthday yesterday. I think I'll share it, via bullet point format, since it was full of fun stuff.

  • Started out with a skype call Friday night-Saturday morning where my friends here surprised me by serenading me with Happy Birthday singing. Then we had much fun and chatting till nearly 5am. ~I love you crazy people~ ♥

  • I was woken up by my friend here around 10am since she had, unknown to me, invited people over for a late breakfast party. We had cream cheese and bagels, fresh peaches and a strawberry pastry with cherry, orange and pineapple punch.
  • I was given a cranberry mandarin orange vanilla mandarin scented candle. Oh my lord it smells super yummy. ♥
  • I booted up my computer to check e-mail and log in only to find a ton of gifts and comments with birthday wishes. Sanku everyone. <3
  • Also had a bunch of lovely dedications that you all should check out since they're all super adorable: fanart | wallpaper | card | card | card (the wallpaper is my new background since I love apples)
  • Was given a super cute Hummy banner that Indi made. I've included it in my intro since it's so damn cute. XD
  • Then I hung out in chat and just enjoyed chatting with everyone until it was time for a late lunch of Pizza. I looooove pizza. I came back and hung out in chat and talked with people on aim until it was almost time to leave for a movie.
  • Was sung to by my friend and her daughters since they had made a chocolate cake with candy corn on top for my birthday. So we had nice yummy cake with ice cream.
  • Then I went with my friend here and saw Lion King in 3D. That was amazing. The 3D effects were awesome. The glasses they give you to use make me giggle. They're super thick black frames that remind me of old 50's & 60's secret agent movies or shows. XD
  • Decided to be lazy and get chicken nuggets to have with ranch for a late supper after the movie. So tasty!
  • I got on skype, it was around 11pm, and skyped with my friends here until nearly 3am. That was amazingly fun. I love you crazy people. =3
  • I also played three games of scrabble while skyping. One with Missy, one with Molly and then a third with Molly, Missy, Kei and myself. I won in the games with Molly and Missy. We were slaughtered by Kei. XD

And that was my day. It was amazing. I love getting to spend time with my friends and that was what I did pretty much the entire day. ^_^
