So I Had A Dream...

I was making a new banner for my world and it struck me as odd that my last post still had something Christmas related in it. After all I had posted twice this year already. Then it hit... those posts were updates and on the front page of theOtaku, not my own blog. XD

So time to commence with the first post... kind of... sort of... not really. =P Basically I present my newest banner. I found a nifty graphic and tweaked the colors and added the words. They feel oddly appropriate right now.

And the reason for the title? That stems from a tiny bit of my strange dreams the other night. Most of them were pretty standard and just normal dreams. Two of them however were not. The first strange one was me realizing I was running around with no pants on. o_O Which of course is always odd in dreams because one: you never took them off and two: the moment you realize it, you can't find pants anywhere.

The other strange one a little later one was where I was apparently a genie, lamp and all. Some guy found the lamp and wanted his three wishes, naturally. The first wish was for money, the second I don't really recall, but the third... o_O He wanted this girl, who was conveniently right there, to fall in love with him.

Like in the movie Aladdin, such a wish was not possible. So his response to that was to tell me to make her so turned on that she'd jump him. Dream logic dictated that such a request was doable so I cast the spell as it were.

So what happens? The girl turns out to be a lesbian and tries to jump me instead! *facepalm* Ye gods... what in the world spawned that insane bit of my dreams? However, when I woke up and had stared at the ceiling for a bit, I couldn't help but die laughing.

Anyway, later all. =P
