Impressions & OMG Friday The 13th!

Well I hope everyone is enjoying what day it is today. =P I know I'm laughing over it since I've never been superstitious. It's just a day like any other to me, always has been and I'm sure it always will be.

It did get me thinking about how things can give an unfavorable impression though. Take my last post. A few people got the impression that I deal with quite a few people that flip over obeying the rules.

Well it's actually just a bit of a rant that stems from nearly three years of moderation work. In just over a month, I will have been working as a mod here for three years. o_O So it's definitely not some sudden rush, it's just me looking back a bit and going... this is how it is folks.

The other impression is my current AIM status. Which is:

I'm old enough to be your mother so SHUT UP

I had a few people looking at me like this [O_O] when they saw that today. I only just changed it to that last night so I guess it was startling. Thing is, it has nothing to do with anyone here. Just a bit of a long overdue irritation I have with someone that I'm working out with them.

I'm going to skip the details because one: you all don't need it [though some of you unfortunately already got my ranting on it and for that I'm sorry] and two: the person in question doesn't visit my world so I can safely say that all of you can just ignore that message since it does not involve you.

So for my last impression, I'll just leave you all with this:
