Sharp Things Ahoy!

Yesterday was an exercise in clobbering my right hand. It started when I trimmed my nails and accidentally nipped into the quick on my pinky. Wasn't too bad since there wasn't any blood, it was just sore for a while.

Well later on I was cutting some stuff up with scissors and slipped and sliced open my forefinger. I nailed the side facing my thumb. -_- This time I got blood but a little pressure and then a band-aid solved the problem. It's not serious but I'm sure you all know how these things sting.

Then as if that's not enough I went to get some more water last night while I was in chat and there was a missed glass shard from something that broke months ago. So what happens? It slices open the side of my middle finger that faces my pinky.


That one hurt even more than the other cut since it's close to the tip of my finger. I put pressure on it and a band-aid and considered it over with. That is until I got some sleep, got up and had to do stuff. Typing isn't so bad but lifting bags and putting away groceries... oh does that hurt when I end up applying real pressure on those two cuts.

Anyway, I'm often logged into AIM when I'm in chat since it makes it easier to talk to Adam or anyone else. Chat scrolls up and you lose the conversation where AIM doesn't of course. And since my AIM is set to keep a log, I'll share one bit that made me laugh.

[this isn't his real AIM by the way :p]

SunfallE: *random poke for no reason whatsoever*
SunfallE: Just cause
Adam: awww
Adam: poke poke poke
SunfallE: hehe
Adam: poke poke poke
Adam: poke poke poke
Adam: poke poke poke, poke poke
SunfallE: XD
Adam: lol

I'm not sure, but I think I got the random poke thing from Indi. At least I think she's the one who started that. =P Anyway, I think I need a Motrin for my poor aching hand. o_O Later all.
